Monday, March 19, 2012

Winter to Summer...

The conversation in the car this morning:

Charlotte: "Claire is sick."
M: "Why do you say that?"
Charlotte: "She's sucking her finger."
M: (Boring lecture).
Claire: "I need to see a doctor at Duke Hospital!"
Such brand loyalty.

Louise has bravely been trying new things, despite some initial reluctance.  Two weekends ago, she went ice skating at a birthday party.  She didn't want to let go of the buckets, but she had fun.  "Can we do it again?"

On Saturday, she had her first t-ball practice.  She spent the first 5 minutes clinging to Daddy's leg, and then was quite distractable during batting practice.  ("You want me to hold my arms up like a chicken?!!").  But she eventually got into things and is eager to go back.  Her favourite part of both ice skating and t-ball?  "Falling down!"

(To Mummy's amusement, Daddy helped the coaching staff on Saturday.  Those kids will all throw like cricketers).

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