Friday, June 7, 2013


The pool is open, Nana and Grandad are here, and we're about to head to the beach.  Ignore the calendar - summer is now here!  We've been having a great time as a family, and we've probably spent more time at the pool already this year than we did in 2012. 

Nana and Grandad have earned a VIP ticket to heaven - they looked after all three girls for 24 hours whilst Mummy and Daddy went to Philadelphia to tour the neighborhoods around GSK's other US site.  Apparently the girls were "little angels."  Mummy and Daddy are skeptical of the description, but deeply grateful.


 Louise's last day of Kindergarten (yes! already! we can't believe it either!) finished by 10:55.  The 5th graders (10 & 11 year olds) exited the building for the last time, accompanied by music and high-fives from younger pupils.  Louise will miss school, but she's delighted by what she's accomplished this year: "I see words I can read everywhere now!  And when we're at the beach, should I read 10 books a day?  Is that too many?"

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