Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day!  Louise has gone to great lengths to make today the "Best Day Ever" for Mummy.  Yesterday, she and Daddy went on a "secret mission" to buy flowers, and they cleverly hid the flowers (in a vase with water) in the garage under a newspaper. On Mother's Day itself, everyone woke fairly early, but they had "Mother's Day Camp" with Daddy downstairs, so Mummy could sleep until nearly 8am.  Claire then delivered a card, and all three girls brought up breakfast in bed - dry cereal, "because we don't want Mummy to spill milk in bed," and coffee, with a beautiful vase of red roses.  Once Mummy finally emerged from bed, we had a quick chat with Nana and Grandad, then headed to Gold Park.

After dinner, Charlotte picked up a piece of purple plastic, molded to look like an amethyst.  "It's a minewal (mineral)!"  Hooray for Dinosaur Train for teaching science to our children!

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